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Sport Harness - Deluxe Model - Granite

Sport harness - Deluxe Model - Horse - Granite

The harness above has been requested to have a straigh breastplate, normally, it comes with a curved breastplate.

The bridle comes with a shaped neoprene crown to contour the ears and an added proection on the side for the added comfort for the horse.

A padded noseband, also in neoprene and completely independant from the bride sides, which allows for a better adjument and a better bit efficiency.

The breeching hand (a new concept) gives great support and comfort and prevents the breeching to rise-up during cantering.

The nect piece, has the same shape as the saddle and includes a tree which reduce the pressure on top of the neck and is supported by the side of the nect which will be more confortable and allows the horse to collect and engage better.

The rein drops are adjustable in heights to addapt to the need(s) of the horse.

We have improved our saddle to increase the comfort and the well being of the horse.

Thicker padding, cushier and more comfortable.R

The gullet is widder to alleviate the pressure on the spine and on the 2 nerves that runs along the spine.

The saddle tree can be removed and remodelled to fit the potentially changing conformmation of your horse. Gain or lose weight and it will not pinch, you can just reshape it.

sport garness - Deluxe Model - Horse/Pair- Granite

The Deluxe model can easily be adapted from single to pair driving in just a few easy steps:

1-Remove the tug loops
2-Install the trace hands at the desired height
3-Attach your hold back to the necessary length
4 Off you go!

The Deluxe breasplate comes with a slight curved for a better clearance of the point of the shoulder but can also be done straight.

With a comfy padding and a cushy trim in neoprene, our model is part of some of more comfortable breastplates on the market.

With this model, it is super easy and quick to hitch with or without a breeching. To use without the breeching, just remove it and add the trace holder adapter.

This harness, designed while considering our equine osteopathe's recommendations, doesn't only have a great look and comfort but is also:

  • Performant
  • Easy to upkeep
  • Stays subtle even in the cold winter weather
  • Easy to use in single/pair with or without a breeching
  • Can also be used for 4 in hands leader's and that without changing the basics adjusments of the harness.

And a reminder of key features:

  • Contoured girth with elastics for better mouvements and flexibility.
  • Back strap and neck piece with elastics to allow the horse to have a better stretch
  • Lines are ultra-light and anti-sleep for a more precise contact.
  • Tug loops and traces with quick release buckles for added safety.

Color trim

Color trim is an option and comes in 19 different colors. You can pick and choose where you would want the color trim.

Dernière modification le : 15/10/2021 @ 15:01
Catégorie : Aucune

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