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Karysa Jument KWPN (VENDU)

Karysa Jument KWPN[/color]Karysa Jument KWPN

Née le 18 Avril 2015
Père= Colonist
Mère= Tarysa x Renovo

16h2 chestnut

Karysa a reçu le titre de ADHHA Gold Premium en 2015
Elle a terminé second Premium KWPN en 2019

Son premier poulain Oslo E-S a terminé First Premium au Keuring KWPN de 2019



Karysa est la fille Colonist
Colonist est le seul étalon KWPN qui a été importé en Amérique et après quelques années est retourné en Europe pour surement y finir ses jours
Père de Lily
ADHHA gold Premium
père de Laranda
ADHHA gold premium
Père de Isilane
Reserve National champion
Reserve Grand National Champion

KWPN Breeding Designation Approved. 2011; Ermelo test scores: Front 8.5, Suspension 8, Action Foreleg 9, Use Hindleg 8, Enthusiasm 8.5, General Impression 8.5, Total=84.

Breeding Advice: Colonist can add stature, size and refinement. Mares should use the hindleg well. Percentage improvement blood should be watched, stallion is 25% Hackney.

Sport Results in Europe

Winner 50 day Test in Netherlands, National Reserve Champion 5 year old Fine Harness.
2011: Reserve Champion FSP (Breeding Stimulus Plan).
2011 and 2012: Good results in KWPN Stallion Competition.
Sport Results in North America

2015: National Champion KWPN-NA Fine Harness Cup
2014: Champion stallion in KWPN-NA Fine Harness Cup.
Offsprings’ Sport Results in Europe

Sire of 2 approved stallions, Heliotroop and Indiana

2016: KWPN Stallion Keuring Champion Indiana. National Reserve Champion mare Heliolrood.
2013: Ilonist champion and Indiana reserve champion foals Central Keuring N. Holland. Sired three of eight foals at Harness Horse Day finals.
2012: Hoogloper invited to Central Keuring
Offsprings’ Sport Results in North America

2017: Katruus champion 2 year old KWPN-NA Keuring, JO Roxanne R.M.A. Champion Keur mare and winner of the 2017 Gert van der Veen Harness Mare award.
2016: Holland becomes Licensed KWPN stallion. Larranda is ADHHA Reserve Champion foal at keuring. 3 foals in top 6 at KWPN-NA keurings including Reserve Champion.
2015: Holland ster and 1st place Harness Geldings/Stallions. Kenton Reserve Champion and Katruus 5th place KWPN-NA Top Fives Harness Foals. Kerno, Kol Zandra RMA, K-Jamakemehappy and Kapital T 1st Premiums
2014: Jatruus champion harness foal KWPN-NA Top Fives. Jolonist, Jamora C.L. and Jola C.L. 1st premiums KWPN-NA keuring.
2013: Incredeble H 5th Top Fives Harness Foals.

Karysa est la demi-soeur maternel de Arthos 114 un cheval de 4 en mains haut calibre en Hollande.

Dernière modification le : 27/02/2022 @ 15:59
Catégorie : Aucune

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